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  • [Registrant] : 我孫子警察署
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]04-7182-0110
  • [Location]千葉県 我孫子市
  • Posted : 2024/06/27
  • Published : 2024/06/27
  • Changed :2024/06/27
  • Total View : 221 persons

Urgent Announcement: Telephone Deception Scams Continue to Hit Japan. Even now, the appointment phone calls are still coming in ! !.

A scam caller claiming to be a police officer from Abiko Police Station was confirmed in Aoyama-dai, Abiko-shi.
As a recent trend, the caller will say
you are suspected of a crime and are under investigation
an arrest warrant has been issued
and further make you register a LINE account and show pictures of
a fake police identification card, fake arrest warrant
etc. to make you believe them.
Even if the caller claims to be a police officer, do not believe them easily, and be sure to check for yourself.
If you don't talk to the criminal, you will not be deceived.
Always set your home phone to voicemail and make sure the person on the other end records it.
As a one-step above measure, replace your phone with one that has a call recording function.
*Victims may not have access to crime prevention information. Share this information within your community and among family members.

Abiko Police Station, Chiba Prefecture
904-1 Shibasaki, Abiko-shi, Chiba Prefecture
TEL : 04-7182 -0110
Abiko Police Station

Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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