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  • [Registrant] : 我孫子市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]我孫子市
  • Posted : 2024/12/12
  • Published : 2024/12/12
  • Changed :2024/12/12
  • Total View : 34 persons

Amount of alcohol consumption increases risk of lifestyle-related diseases < Health Center Newsletter December No. . 2 ( 2/2 ) >

The amount of alcohol consumed per day that increases the risk of lifestyle-related diseases
is 20g or more for women and 40g or more for men. Many strong-type chuhai drinks have a high alcohol content, such as 9% alcohol, and one 350 ml can ( with approximately 25 g of pure alcohol ) is enough to reach the drinking amount that increases the risk of lifestyle-related diseases in women.
・ Beer ( 500ml ) has 20g of pure alcohol and 5% alcohol
・ Sake ( 180ml ) has 22g of pure alcohol and 15% alcohol
・ Whiskey ( double 60ml ) has 20g pure alcohol by volume, 43% alcohol by volume
・ Shochu ( approx 110ml ) has 22g pure alcohol by volume, 25% alcohol by volume
・ Wine ( approx 180 ) has 20 g of pure alcohol and 14% alcohol by volume
Try to drink an amount that does not increase the risk of lifestyle-related diseases, and take one or two days off per week.

Reference : Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website "How to enjoy alcohol as you decide"
( Men ) targis_mhlw/pdf/leaf-alcohol-male.pdf?1731310049630
( Women's version ) targis_mhlw/pdf/leaf-alcohol-female.pdf?1730772446518

( Q ) Health Promotion Support Section 04-7185-1126 *This email is for sending only. Please note that we cannot accept replies. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions.

Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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